
Saturday, March 8, 2014


Over the past few weeks, I have had a really difficult time reading all of the texts assigned for this course.  Sometimes, I had a really hard time relating to it or understanding it without the help of the trusty internet.  However, I feel that I have definitely come to a greater appreciation of British Literature through this course.  My favorite authors included Joyce and Dickens.  My favorite piece was "The Dead" by James Joyce.  I liked how he was able to concisely tell a whole story and make such a huge statement about how many people live their lives blindly and without passion.  As much as I gained from this course, I am happy to be finished so I can focus more time on exploring Korea!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Mrs. Dalloway

Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway deals with issues relating to isolation and connection.  Clarissa is an upper class woman, but feels isolated from those closest to her, including her husband.  On one hand, she desires privacy, but at the same she wishes that she could be more connected in her relationships.  Septimus, who is considered insane, has completely shut off from the world and is unable to enjoy his wife or any earthly pleasures.  He lives in a state of guilt within his own mind.

While my situation in Korea is not near that extreme, there are some similarities.  It is odd to walk around without understanding anything.  I am completely oblivious to conversations around me, or even about me.  Due to the language barrier, I have very little meaningful interaction with anyone.  It's strange to walk down the street, and not be able to read any signs because I don't know the language.  While I complained about the month long orientation I had to endure, in the end, I am thankful for it because it has provided me with relationships that can support me.  Like in Mrs. Dalloway, we must be connected to others to truly live.