Well here goes. I’ve never been much of a journal keeper, much less a blog writer. My diaries in elementary school consisted of entries for a whopping three consecutive days, usually about how much my sisters annoyed me, and then I would give up and start up again the next year. I attempted to keep a journal in Spain to no avail. I wrote in it, you guessed it, the first three days in January, and wrote it in once more in April only because my Internet was broken. As I am required to keep a travel journal for class, hopefully this won’t suffer the same fate as my previous journals.
2) See my Peruvian family!!!!!
3) FINALLY visit Machu Picchu!!
4) Have a decent blog that’s up to Katherine Giles’s standards
1) The plane will go down LOST-style. However, if I’m sitting next to a Jack Shephard look-alike, this might result in more of a sunshine.
2) I will acquire some sort of parasite/get really sick/suffer from a sever case of malaria.
3) I will look like a les in my hiking boots (that’s not a fear, that’s a reality)
4) New people/new situations will inevitably bring out my inherent awkwardness in full force
I'll let you know how these hopes and dreams/fears and anxieties play out...
Major detail left out: Jack Shepard with or without the awesome beard? don't tell me you were a fan of the stubbles over the Moses beard