
Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Happiest Place on Earth

I had big plans for my blog posts about Paris.  There was a compare/contrast between Disneyland Paris and Disneyland Hong Kong – maybe even a Venn Diagram.  But oh dear Lord, it was boring. So I wrote and wrote, and the more I wrote, the less interesting it got.  So instead I’m going to finish out the Europe trip in a typical half-ass manner with some photos and captions:

"Bienvenue" | "Welcome" -- so international.

Can't you just feel the magic??
The highlight of any Disney trip: Space Mountain
Boo doesn't do roller coasters, so I rode this bad boy solo.  Now this was my first time to ride a roller coaster by myself so I wasn't sure of the proper etiquette.  A girl about my age sits next to me and we're waiting for it to start.  We sit and sit and finally I venture some conversation:

Lori:  "Soooo... are you nervous?
Girl: Blank stare
Lori: "Soooo... do you speak English?"
Girl:  "No."
Lori:  "Welp, good luck!"

Serves me right for trying to be friendly.  
Hahaha - surpisingly there was a sudden drop on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride.  Our expressions demonstrate our surprise.
(Unfortunately, it was probably the worst doner I have ever had, but I won't hold that against them)

Yes, Señora Henson! El mundo es un pañuelo! So much so, that I actually saw R@chel rh0des in Paris! Walking on the street!  (Sorry for the weird spelling, but I'm sure the last thing she wants is some future employer googling her name, and my blog being the #1 search result.)
I had to wait in line behind a bunch of children for this picture. Worth it.
Alice in Wonderland = my favorite movie.  Teacups = my least favorite ride.
Really fun Alice in Wonderland maze.  Boo and I def got lost as evidenced by her pose.
You might be wondering, 'Jeez Lori, how did you get so cool?'  Answer: Years of practice.

Evidently, I had already uploaded some Hong Kong pics for my monumental compare/contrast analysis. Because it took me a long time to find them, and even longer to upload them - I'll give you a quick rundown on how Disney operates back East.

What brought me to Disneyland Hong Kong?  I did a study abroad trip ("study abroad" is kind of a stretch - it was a 2 1/2 week trip) with OU that toured China in 2009.  We had one free day in Hong Kong.  I did not hesitate at all in my decision to use that free day to go to Disneyland.  And I don't regret it one bit.  So sue me if I like bright colors, cheery music, happy people and images that remind me of my childhood. 

Special train that runs just to Disneyland, which is Disney themed.  Starts the magical experience even earlier.
Space Mountain: No lines. At all.  None.  This is unheard of.
it's a small world: still no lines.
Yay for Disney
Asian food at Disneyland 
The gang: Lori, Mickey, and Ford

So basically if you're deciding between Hong Kong and Paris (and assuming you're deciding on which of these destinations to visit solely based on their respective Disney parks - obvs), definitely go with Paris.  The great thing about Hong Kong is that there are no people (= no lines), but the Paris park is way bigger with far more rides.

Then again, it's Disney, and you really can't go wrong.

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