
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Just the beginning

Boozin: “Lori, we should be on the Amazing Race!  We would be sooo good at it!”
Lori: “Yeah, maybe, I mean George and I did the Diamond Dash which is kind of simil-– Mom! Where are you going?  Our gate is this way.”
Boozin: “Oh, haha, I guess we wouldn’t be so great at the Amazing Race.

That is an understatement.  But more on that later.

Our trip already had good vibes when we saw Ashley’s step dad, Bill, going through security in OKC.  I knew our European vacation was destined to be a success.  Not to mention, we had our own personal screens! Pure joy filled by heart (to be honest though, the movie selection was a little lacking). But then we arrived to Amsterdam, and had that all too familiar “now what?” feeling.  We successfully claimed our luggage, went through customs (they stamped my passport – that’s it. I did not fill out any form, they did not ask me how long or where I was staying. Evidently, they let anyone into the EU.  It’s easier to get into the Netherlands than to get a doctorate at OU – if you went to Commencement, you know what I’m talking about), and even took a train from Schipol Airport to Amsterdam.  Wow, we are such world travelers.  There was only one vulnerable tourist target moment where Boo was clutching a 50-euro bill, and not one, but two credit cards with a bewildered look on her face in the middle of the train station.

Once we arrived to Amsterdam Central station, we tried to walk to find the apartment that we had reserved online.  Cobblestone streets coupled with rolling suitcases augmented by drizzling rain, deafening construction, loads of people, and even more bicyclists does not a pleasant stroll make.  I only toppled over one parked bicycle with my suitcase.  Trust me, that was an achievement in itself.  We finally got to our apartment and were met with a note that read “Dear Guest, I am waiting for you at Suzie’s Saloon next door.  – Gonzo” Well when I read, “Gonzo,” I obviously immediately imagined: 

Instead we were met with a tiny, wiry middle aged man  in a red track suit who dropped f bombs every other word, in the most endearing way possible.  “These f-ing steps are killer.  Sorry about my f-ing language.  It’s ok though, because I’m f-ing Danish.”  Whatever you say, Gonzo.

Said f-ing stairs

Over the course of the evening and the next day we visited the Anne Frank House, Rijksmuseum, and the Van Gogh Museum.  Each of the museums was extremely well done and I was even more impressed with each one.   The Van Gogh Museum probably took the prize because it didn’t feature exclusively Van Gogh work, but art that he was influenced by, and also later artists who were inspired by Van Gogh. 
Van Gogh's  famous Butterflies and Poppies
My not-so-famous reproduction.  See the resemblance?  Me neither.

We were extremely lucky at the Van Gogh Museum because there was an exhibition on Picasso’s work during his early years in Paris.  In that exhibition, we saw

Among other great paintings.  nbd.

Overall, I have been very impressed with Amsterdam.  The city itself is breathtakingly beautiful.  The public transportation is efficient.  The people are friendly.  Most people speak English. There is an extremely wide selection of food.  What more could you want?

View from our room

So. many. bikes.  Only knocking over one -- not too shabby.

Stay tuned for the biggest scam in Europe (yes, a bigger scam than the Riesenrad in Vienna)… Keukenhof Flower Gardens.

If Ryan was this upset about the Riesenrad, I can only imagine his response to Keukenhof.


  1. I cannot believe Bill got a shout out! Love it love it keep it coming. Remember, I'm living vicariously through you!

  2. cderbz (formerly)5/19/2011 3:47 PM

    The Picasso painting reminds me a bit of Kevin Hadad... haha. By the way, last time I went to Canada they asked me about a million questions in customs. So it sounds like it's a lot easier to get into the EU. I'm looking forward to reading more posts! I've heard wonderful things about Amsterdam I hope you're having a wonderful time.

  3. DAYUMMMM, who is that foxy lady in the glasses??? the photos are ridiculous, "vicariously" is def the understatement of the year, feels like being there for how clear these pics are.
