
Thursday, January 6, 2011

Ser amable.

Piura is fantastic.  Really, I have a great time here, always.  But it’s not exactly a walk in the park.  It is emotionally draining because you see some rough stuff here.  I generally cry daily (sometimes because of sad things, and sometimes because of happy things.  Then again, that's not saying much; I'm very sensitive), but it’s well worth it.

So instead of dwelling on these super emotional experiences, here's a couple of lighthearted stories:

1) Yenny, Marisa, and I went to the orphanage one morning to help out.  We each had a different job: Marisa took care of the babies, Yenny cooked lunch, and I organized donated clothes.  The clothing organization was like this: clothes for children stayed at the orphanage, and the rest were separated by whether they were for hot or cold weather.  Warm weather clothes were going to be sent to the costa (coast) and cold weather clothes to the sierra (mountains).  Yenny was helping me at this point along with another woman who worked there.  Yenny came across a particularly racy undergarment – black and lacey and all kinds of sexy.  We weren’t sure which pile to put this into, so we inquired to the woman and she responded:

Woman:  “Para la costa.  Las chicas en la costa son mas sexy.”

I loled.  And I loled hard.  For some reason, this statement really tickled me, especially because she said it so matter-of-factly.  Her tone was as if everyone knows this and we were incredibly ignorant for even asking.  That woman was super sassy and I loved it.

2)  Mario and I are getting pretty serious, so he wanted to introduce me to his parents.  I’m generally very charming (and modest), especially when it comes to parents, but this situation had some added variables.  First of all, Mario wasn’t going to be present when I met his parents.  Secondly, he had never introduced a girl to his parents before.  Thirdly, this was all going to be conducted in Spanish.  Grrrreeeeaaaat.  No pressure.  I was going to talk to them right after Mass, and I was sitting with Leidy (oldest of my family) and Dafne (the youngest) so as Mass was ending, I asked them if they had any last minute advice.  Perhaps there are some cultural differences I should know about, but more than anything, I just wanted to some encouragement – something like:  You’re going to do fine!! Go get ‘em tiger!  Here’s what went down instead…

Lori:  So do you guys have any advice for me??

Dafne:  (After a pause, she very slowly and deliberately says):  Ser amable.  (= Be nice)

Mi Dafnecita, so wise for 10 years old.  Decent advice for life, but I was looking for something slightly more specific.

Leidy:  No… Wait. Actually….  You should probably wear a longer skirt.

Cool, Leidy.  Considering this is happening in approximately 45 seconds, that’s super helpful.

No worries, as always, I was thoroughly encantadora (charming) and they loved me despite my scandalous skirt.  Aaaaaand they thought my Spanish was excellent (alright, they didn’t say it was “excellent” per se, but they said they could understand me).

3)  My lovely abuelito showed up at the church one day (this is quite the trek, he lives really far away) and surprised with un montón de regalos (a lot of gifts!) I was so excited.  He even made this little Christmas card.  It was quite the spread – 3 bottles of what looked like wine, a bag of mangos, and some wooden kitchen accessories from Catacaos.

Yenny and I kept asking around what this “algorrina” was (I’m still not even sure what it’s called.  I think I just made that word up).  It says 100% Peruvian on the bottle and it has a drawing of man flexing with huge muscles and it’s supposed to give you strength.  Furthermore, there are directions on the bottle about how to make a cocktail with it. Score! Baller Peruvian alcohol!
Eduardo... you shouldn't have.

There are about 5 other American guys here about our age, but I haven’t gotten to know them much because I’m always with my family, so I’m convinced they think one of two things of me: 1) complete loser or 2) total bitch.  This was my chance. I was going to prove I was super cool and share my special Peruvian alcohol with them.  Yenny and I climbed to the bell tower where they were hanging out equipped with a bottle and enough cups for everyone.  I told them story behind the stuff and they were very wowed.  It smelled really strong, so we were like, “oh this is going to be intense.”  Well after we all sampled it, we concluded that it was not in fact alcohol, but… molasses.  Yep, I’m that girl.  And by that girl, I mean the girl who likes to get drunk off of molasses.

I think this will be my last post about Piura, so I’m going to have to include some sweet, unrelated pics.
more cuties
family + friends
Go Sooners! Victor and Cesar wearing their new OU hats!
Jose rockin the CHK hat.
Some truth or dare pics.  This was obviously a dare.
Another dare.
Another truth and dare pic.  I was laughing so much this night, I thought I was drunk.
Getting ready to deliver food
Yenny's new adopted family!!!!
Yenny helping out with the family business by stirring the chicha.  Thanks to watching Brewmasters with Ash, I'm now an expert on the Peruvian art and tradition of chicha making.
Eduardo's children and grandchildren keep popping up everywhere. He must have a million of them.
Soy famosa!!! Check out the ode to Lori in Eduardo's home =)
Eduardo and his wife, Tomasa, in their home.
I love my family.
Then... (Summer 2005)
.... And Now (Winter 2011)

Now with Piura behind us, we can look forward to Buenos Aires.  Oh wait, we can't.  We missed our flight, are currently stranded in the Lima airport, and our flight from Buenos Aires to Bogota was cancelled as well.  Thank goodness for Skype.  I'm now beefies with Continental, Aerolineas Argentinas, and Orbitz representatives (and by "beefies," they think I'm a lunatic and I think they're ass holes).

Except: News flash within the past 5 minutes.  Yenny is my absolute hero!!!  After hours of arguing with people, Yenny got us on a new flight to BA for only $50.  Life is good again. And by that, I mean, I can again breathe normally.  What an adventure!!!!!


  1. your ode easily has the coolest letter g I have ever seen.

  2. Your last post? January 6th.

    Last time I was thoroughly entertained? January 6th.

    Get writing, girl!

  3. Oh, ps, that was from Kristen - duhhh!
