
Saturday, June 26, 2010

Just call me Kate Austen.

Monday, June 21

My morning started early. Unfortunately, I woke up to the sounds of Ashley vomming. I was really disoriented when I woke up, and in my attempt to come to her rescue, I got extremely tangled in my mosquito net. This was about 4:30 am, and you might think, oh that sucks, woken up in the middle of the night. Not so, 4:30 was actually supposed to be our wake up call because we were going bird watching at 5:00. Fantastic. Luckily, that night was the best night’s sleep I’ve had in Peru. Now I don’t consider myself high maintenance (ha), but I have been plagued with subpar pillows my entire time in Peru – in Lima it was too small, like it was basically just the pillowcase and in Ollantaytambo and Cusco, it was entirely too big. But in the Amazon, it was just right (Goldilocks style).

I have now seen two sunrises in Peru, and in my opinion, that is two too many. We walked to this really high tower (30 meters maybe – who knows. They always explained things in meters and I have no idea what that means). We saw macaws, toucans, and parrots. It was really cool! My pictures aren’t that great because of lack of creeper zoom and those suckers are mobile so it’s hard to get pictures of them, but check it out…

That tower looked pretty ominous.

Little lovers - they mate for life

Follow your nose!

The observation deck was a little crowded.

We came back to the lodge for breakfast and then went to go look at Brazilian nut trees and have their extraction process explained to us. I really really enjoy walking through the jungle, primarily because I pretend I’m on LOST. I make loads of LOST references, but only about two people here watch the show, so my jokes are lost (hehe) on most everyone. For example, this huge branch fell from the canopy and crashed down to the ground making tons of noise – what do I say? RUN! SMOKE MONSTER! … crickets.

Hanay, complete with helmet, is super excited for our Brazilian nut adventure.

That afternoon, we went to a fruit farm across the river (or across the street as Caroline says). It was quite the experience – I liken it to Willy Wonka. We saw, smelt, felt, and tasted (the snozberries taste like snozberries!) everything in that place. We saw both familiar and unfamiliar plants. We used one of the plant as face paint. That was pretty entertaining. Then the owner of the farm talked to us, which I thought was really funny because we were all sitting being serious with ridiculous face paint on.

Gnawing on some sugare cane Lady and the Tramp style = novias
Chinny isn't very happy
Carlitos as HP! Eeeee!

big leaf (this caption was really necessary)
Willy Wonka himself

LOST beach

Oh yeah and this bad boy definitely haunted my dreams. We're sitting in class, and this little fellow climbed up Faith's chair. Everyone wanted a chance to hold it, but he had the last laugh when he ended up on Chinh's face.


And finally an ode to Kathryn....

Nice piernas.

Que hermosura!

Nothing but net.

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